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PO Box 521
San Bruno, CA. 94066

GGSMU, is a S.F. Peninsula based car club. The club was formed in the summer of 1987,
under the direction of it's founder, A.N. (Tac) Tacderan. Tac ran the auto shop in the Presidio of S.F..
By 1988 the club was meeting in San Bruno and later in 2000 we began meeting at the Elks Lodge in San Mateo.
( Enter the side door and take a right. )
We have been meeting regularly the first Tuesday of each month, at 7:00PM since 1990.
We offer an invitation to all interested in the club.
The club is run with the help of our President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasure, and 6 board of directors.
The board meets the last Thursday of each month at Carls Jr. in San Bruno @ 6:45PM.
Any members who wish to listen in are welcome.
All issues discussed at the board meeting are presented to the club at the general meetings.


Renewal/Guidlines 2020

"Business Links"

News Editor is  Carol Peters
Please contact her with any news to be put in the news letter.

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All content ) Copyright 1997 - 2025 by Golden Gate Street Machines Unlimited
All Rights Reserved Worldwide